Pick Our Brain Sessions

“Pick Our
Brain” Sessions

Foundry has a wealth of experience and background when it comes to working on the web. Years of thoughts, experiences, eureka moments, successes, wins, disappointments and mistakes to learn from.

You need feedback on what you’re thinking about for your website and business. You’re not sure what you need to do. You need to do a brain dump and get some honest feedback and help. You’re overwhelmed and need a life line.

Now you can put that experience to work for you.

Check availability

How it Works

Think of this like office hours. Pick our brain. Get feedback. We can go over your website and discuss where you need to make improvements. We can talk about branding and marketing. We can talk about all kinds of things – whatever it takes to get you moving to the next level!

What’s Included

  • 90 minutes of honesty
  • A recording of your session
  • Pre-session homework to get the wheels turning (as needed)
  • Definitive next steps
  • Post-session follow up to keep you on track


Check availability

We have only four slots available each month for us to get together and go over your plans and ideas.

Once you’ve booked your session, we may have some homework you will need to complete before we get together. This will help us get familiar with your situation and where you’re at and also insure that we get the most out of our time together.

Sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes and we’ll record your it so you can go back and review afterwards.

We will leave you with a list of next steps that you can use to follow through on what we talked about, and we will also set up a follow up one to two weeks from your session so we can make sure you’re on track.

We have a set schedule by which we book our brain picking sessions, so it’s important to find a time that will fit best for you.

Availability for these sessions is limited, so make sure to grab your session quickly.